12 September 2024

EFAMA documents

Categories: DokumentyEFAMAEn

Trends in the European Investment Fund Industry in 3rd quarter 2007

UCITS recorded net outflows of EUR 61 billion in the third quarter of 2007. This is the first time we have seen aggregate net outflows in the UCITS market. Bond funds recorded the highest level of net outflows (EUR 46 billion), followed by equity and money market funds (EUR 22 billion and EUR 20 billion, respectively). An exceptional combination of adverse circumstances led to this outcome, i.e. the prolonged volatility in stock markets, against the background of relatively high valuation and increased risk of global economic slowdown, growing inflationary pressures, which contributed to dampen investor demand for bond funds, and difficult credit and funding markets following the collapse of the US subprime mortgage market, which affected both bond and money market funds.
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