14 September 2024

EFAMA documents

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Trends in the European Fund Industry during the fourth quarter 2004

Net sales of UCITS1 picked up in the fourth quarter of 2004 reaching EUR 38 billion, from EUR 15 billion in the third quarter. As shown in the charts below, the recovery was due to a clear increase in the demand for equity and bond funds, against the background of weakening demand for money market funds, which suffered net redemptions of EUR 15 billion during the fourth quarter. For the year as a whole, UCITS recorded net sales of EUR 199 billion, compared to EUR 231 billion in 2003. Declining flows into money market funds (from EUR 46 billion in 2003 to EUR 2 billion) explained the observed decline in net sales. Including estimates for Ireland and Belgium, total net inflows reached EUR 234 billion in 2004.
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